nama ais kim nieh..urm chocolate mint ice cream... |
i like
ice cream...yum2..mmg cdp....hehehe.konpem ramai lg yg ske ais kim..tp tp..haritu beli ais krim kat tesko tuh..kata
chocolate mint..tp hampeh...asa dier ta cdp un..keciwa ati nie..rasa mint dier
sejibik sama cam ubt gigi..ape buley buat..mkn je la....sob2..
mkn aiskim tepi laut..sonok! |
tatw la nape..since terciptanyer my "ice cream day "wit ..urmm..wit laling...sy suke sgt mam ais kim skng nie..lau g mane2 jew..mesti terasa nk aiskim.. >_< lg2 if
vanilla wit chocolate toppings..plus nuts sket..sukeeee...n n n...mau
cornetto jugak...
enjoying ice cream wit my gf..karuna.celebrating my bday..=) |
teeet!!! there r lots n lots of fact bout ice cream dat most of us tataw..including me..yg kiter taw ice cream ni
yummy..n ada sorng housemate nie..suka sgt apple sour tuh..aiskim gak! well.....
1.tomeyh bila tgk budak tomot 2.bila monyet pon nk mkn aiskim |
FACTS...n the
WEIRDEST things pasal ice cream yg most of us tataw..meh serbu sama2..pelik2..ish2..monolong lg mi..monolog..
- the most famous ice cream flavors
1. Vanilla
2. coklat
3. kacang
4. stawberri
5. mint coklat
my fav flavor..num 5..huh! hehehe..
under a microscope the structure of ice cream is almost identical to that of lava(facts) |
- It takes about 50 licks to lick away one scoop of ice cream! weird( o.o)
- ice cream sundea dicipta selepas
ahli paderi melarang memakan
ice cream soda pada hari Ahad &
mendapat dosa jika
memakannya.. weirder..(*.*)
- and ada aiskrim yg pelik kat dunia nie..huhu..STRANGEEEEE..ngeriii
Cheese and Spaghetti ice cream...tgk pon takot..urk! |
Horse flesh ice cream ...... dibuat dari daging kuda n icecram vanilla..tgk2 aiskrim perisa kuda..hoho |
Goat ice cream ....aiskrim susu+daging kmbing..teet |
Fish ice cream...aiskim ikn masin.. |
Dracula cool garlic mint ice cream....mint n garlic..uh..choco n mint ok!! |
Octopus ice cream....sotong pulak.. |
Squid ink ice cream.. |
Chilli pepper ice cream |
chicken wing ice cream...pelik2 org jepun nie |
Aqutak ice cream...nmpk cm tedap..tp.huk2..guna berries n minyak ikan paus..aiskim org2 eskimo |
Egg and bacon ice cream...bajet bfst kot diowng nieh |
ahaksx!! yg ni no komen.. |
heeee....bnyk agy yg weird,strange n facts about ice cream..urm..so my comment ..setiap org ada taste buds masing2..so soal sedap ke ta sedap ke..suka flavor ape kew...terpulang la...very subjectif..yg sy tawu..laling sy suka chocolate flavor..heee..nk tawu sape laling sy..ni kucing kat bwh nieh..hahahaha...opsss
sharing icecream wit pet dog or cat is done approx by 5% of people..urmmmm not as weird.. | (FAKTA) |
- July is National Ice Cream Month! opps..kiter ter awal 5 bulan lah..^_^
- The 3rd Sunday in July is National Ice Cream Day! yay! ice cream makes me happy....
jadik..tanpa bnyak soal..but just enjoy the ice cream while it’s on your plate/cone/cup/......hee~
mcm pepatah yg kita slalu dgr..idup ni ibarat aiskrim..nikmatilah ia sblom cair..toink3