elo2..testing2..lama ase tak menghupdate blog..ak ase mcm bizi gilak! huhu
penat je ase..mengejar due date yg tah bila..haih..being a fulltime student + fulltime housewife is not easy as it looks..haha..anyway..
i can do it..hooyeayh! |
im not here to bebel pnjang..fyi..last week ak ad pegi tgk citer CHAPPIE gdn pakwe..wut wut..oho..citer yg baru kuar kat wayang..citer ni 18sx je boleh tgk aw..haha..sbb ad aksi ganas melampau..isk ke isk ke isk ke..
tgk poster mcm comel je kan..hahaha.. |
overall BEST..5 bintng kak ton bg..haha.. citer ni buat ak super exited sbbnya tahla..nk kata lebih kurang dgn tajuk msc ak..mmg tak la.. haha.. ceritanya berbunyi begini..
alkisahnya..robot di asts telah di cipta org seorng mskhluk manusia bernama engineer Deon kat satu company ni....
ni lah mr engineer tu..eh mcm kenal lak mamat ni..haha |
ni bukn budak dlm slumdog milionaire tu ke? ooo..dah jd engineer dah budak tu skrg..huahahahaha |
ok..long story short..si chappie ni is one of the robot..yg di-first trialkan oleh mamat di ats untuk program Artificial Intelligence (AI) robot yang tade orng lain buat..bg robot tu sense of feelings..ok..part AI ak mmg tak shukew..dulu time degree ak pilih course robotic..not AI.. lalala..robotic skin aku..smpai arini pun xdpt nk design "sense of touch"..nikan plak feelings..woah! (pengsan kejap)
tp penceritaan agak menarik ak ase..but not in terms of the story line..but in terms of the robot itself..ak impress gila dgn human imagination dlm cerita ni..well..as one of the robotics researchers.kununnya la(tgn ke bahu,mata ke atas)...aka ak..(ak yg newbie ni) .. persoalan2nyea...
- Boleh wujud ke one day robot chappie ni?
- How they combine AI dgn robot (ni ak kne blaja lg)
- Hebat sgt ke program AI dia smpai chappie ni seakan2 ad feelings (marah,sayang,suka,sedih,merajuk).. ni super hebat!
boleh pegang senapang..ok mesti hand gripping dia sgt kuat..n sensitivity dia precise..sensor ap ko pakai woi |
siap buleyh melukis..ha..laju plak tu.. |
4.Tactile sensor ap dia pakai kat end-effector (boleh implement kat reserch ak..haha)
5.Bape bnyk Degree of Freedom (DOF) si chappie ni? haiyoo.. mcm bnyk je..even a simple humonoid hand usually ad at least 16 DOF..kalo satu badan..ak tataw la bape..
6. and tgn putus..bila smbung boleh function balik..tayh smbung2 wayar..wuuuu
.jpg) |
tgn bru chappie secara close up..urm.. |
haha..lets move on..mungkin ak ni bnyk sgt baca jurnal..pala otak aku dah ting tong..hahaha( bnyk ke mslahnya..bnyk berngn mungkin..huhu)
nnti korng tgk la eyh citer ni..kalau nk review suma..xbest nnti..xsurprise..tp citer dia best..ad unsur kelakr..ad gans..ok lah..
dah terlajak citer pasal robot..oklah..nk promote..there will b a conference,15th IEEE RAS Humanoids Conference, to be held in Seoul, Korea on November 3 - 5, 2015 . Details boleh dpt kat website ni.. http://humanoids2015.org/main/ ..
Selamat Menonton Chappie ye.. :) comei menatang ni..xtipu! hehe..
maybe one day lah kut..ak ngn hubby boleh cipta robot sehebat ni..maybe :P |
boleh la tlg ak kat dapoq..haha (adengn ni tade dlm film,tp pic ni cntik) |
InsyaAllah...next year..ak akn ade research buddy..my mr engineer akan bertukar status mnjdik mr scientist..hahaha..
tp sbagai umat islam, ending dia tu mmg lngsung xlogik dek akal..sbbnya mereka umpama menyamakn roh manusia hnya dgn memori..siap boleh simpan dlm pendrive..kalo jasad tade..cri jasad bru..letak memori smula..woah.. hoho..
p/s : doakn sy cpt abis,tak mals,tak berngn & xkuat main fb..haha
adios! kbai!