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Thursday, 26 May 2011

sAya..DiEr..dAn Kamoo..

2 budak senget(syg 2 budk nieyh)

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words

da 3 of us
Don't walk behind me;
I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.

One thing everybody in the world wants and needs is friendliness.


 lots n lots of memory of us..yg kdg2 kiter ta sedar the time dat we've spend stay wit me...=)
sekali ni je la kitowng nek bukit..hahaha..penat dah!!!
MAkan2 =)

 qiqi lala @ qiqi kemetot..hehehe..tomeyh en..tecik je orng nyer...dier ni ati TIUT...=)
my roomate since mula2 masuk unimap..suka mam apple sour..suka cgt dgn pooh(ntah ape yg bes tah)..dier nk mini cooper..hahaha
understands me well n know most of da thing bout me.lau mlm2 sy takot nk tito,mesti sy crik budk kecik nie..heee~ TQ qila...

 Eira..pic kitowng lau ta sntch gedix2 tu mmg bukn mimi+eira lah tuh..hehehe...
Bnyak sgt ragam dier..kdg2 xterlayan..soft hearted.Gaya cam yuna sket..hek2
Kitowng slalu "sharing is caring" kan kan...^__^ suka mam putu mayam,suka cheesecake
n 'amat' my housemate n roomate jugak..n will b  my future 
housemate(sama ngn cik pooh). 
She's very caring..ngeeeee~ TQ eira....       
kami =)

kitorng lagik!!! toink3..baru perasan rupa2nya bnyak pic kitorang bertiga..hehehe..hoping to stay fren..and do remember me..huhu...MUAHXZ..

Monday, 23 May 2011


14. You argue and fight with moco poco, but still can't get her out of your mind...

13. When you're on the phone with her late at night and  hang up but you miss her already when it was just five minutes ago...

12. You read her texts over and over again...

11. You walk really slow when you're with her...

10. You feel shy whenever you're with her...

9. When you think about her, your heart beats faster and faster...

8. You smile when you hear her voice...

7. When you look at her, you can't see the other people around you... all you see is her...

6. You start listening to slow songs, while thinking of her...

5. She become all you think about...

4. You get high just from her scent and closeness...

3. You realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think about her...

2. You would do anything for her...

1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time.....

~i want u  to b like dis ~~grool~

Friday, 20 May 2011

pause jap...=)

Iceprincess here..ting tong!! Ring..heee~..exited2 harini nk share resepi baru..haaa~ adikku yg bg resepi nie..ntah ape nama masakn ni..korng hantam sajalah…gabungan msakn melayu ala2 thai sikit…=) dah try dah..mmg cdp! (adik2 la kata)..heee~ setakat ni suma yg akak diowng wat xde yg nk komplen..hahah..berani diowng..haha..npe mau share sbb UNIQUE!! LOIKESZZ!!
Sy xde la pndai msk sgt tp setakat nk isi perut adik2 tuh buleyh la..janji knyang..mau ta mau ne makn jugk lah kan..hahaha…syok jugk dpt mengarot ni..
Brg2 simple jew..gunakn kepakarn masing2 untuk campak2 ape yg patot..n skill merasa gula gram eyh..
1-      Bwg putih, bwng merah, buah keras..blendkan suma..kalo mau guna bwg beso jugk pun oley..ikot awok leew..
  1.   Hiris halia, bwg beso 
  2. Bancuh sepeket  tomym paste dgn serbuk kari(pndai2 agak la) + air
  3. Tumis bhn2 blend dgn halia..pastu masukkn no3 
  4.   Tunggu smpai  rempah tu masak
  5.   Masukkan susu cair 
  6.   Rasa masam+masin+manis(ikot citarasa..tmbhla cndiri grm,gula,asm jawa) 
  7. Masukkan ikan/daging/udng/aym n hirisan bawng..tutup periuk..haaa..(ikan tu goreng dulu ye..lau nk letak skit tepung gndum sket sblom goreng pon buleyh..suka suki lah)
  8.   Kalo nk masuk sayur..ikut kesesuaian jugk kayh..tgk guna ikan/udng/daging or aym 
  9.    SIAP untuk dihidang
  10. lau nk kuah bnyk wat byk,nk sket wat sket
Senang,simple n cepat…kalo nk tmbh lg..buleyh letak daun limau purut@daun kari.selera masing2..selamat mencuba… picture to b display here..kome torai la dulu yek..nk bg resepi bnyk2 kowng ingat ini rncngn memasak ke? Aish…mau ape?pancake,yee mee..cdp2..(patotla I sy  ni tembm kn..hua3)

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Is your birthday day 24 of the month?

yup2..dats me..nape? ce tgk description nie..

You are very optimistic and that’s why you always enjoy life. You are
in entertaining others. Your friends love and trust you. You’ll be the
they come to when they are in need of someone to speak their heart out.

Sometimes you fall in love just because you want to be in love, not
that you
really like that person. You always be seen as a sweet couple but you
really get over your love ones from past. Your partner is usually crazy
about you because you are remarkably charming and

betoi ke nih? haha.only me n people who was born on da same date will noe..juz a litel sumthin=) ..ketepatan FAKTA nyer...kita ta tawu..bcoz each and every person different and special in their own way rite..Grool~
Ada brjuta2 org yg lahir on da same date..wit same personality? tink bout it..hehehe...but definitely i'm in love rite now..wit who? ENTAHla...laling..jgn mara..ngee~

A Box Full of Kisses@A Star Glass Half Full of Star + Infiniti Kisses

A little girl brought a gift(a box with gold wrapping) to her father and said,
little girl  : “This is for you, Daddy.”
daddy    : (open the gold wrapping and found out the box was empty ) “Don’t you know, when      you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside?
little girl  : (looked up at him with tears in her eyes)  “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They’re all for you, Daddy.”
daddy   : (he was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl) I'm sorry dear..please forgive me..
Her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.

~twinkle2 little star~

I've given u paper starz wit empty space in it..I've added loves and my imaginary kisses juz like the little gurl..=)  something to remember me t8 care okie..(hope u r smiling rite now mr.mevira)...xoxo

In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses… from our creator, family members,lover, friends, There is simply no other possession, anyone could hold, more precious than this. 

Kosong bagi seseorang boleh dianggap penuh oleh orang lain.
Sebaliknya, penuh bagi seseorang boleh dianggap kosong oleh orang lain.
KOSONG dan PENUH ==>  Sebagaimana anda memandangi hidup, demikianlah kehidupan anda. Hidup menjadi bererti, bermakna, kerana anda memberikan erti dan makna kepadanya.
Bagi mereka yang tidak memberikan makna, tidak memberikan erti, hidup ini ibarat lembaran kertas yang kosong……….(fill your life wit joy ok..remainder to myself also..fightinn!!!)


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my dearest Mother

 Cyg mama,gila2 mcm ank dier,seyes,tegas,suwit,ape lg ape lg...hehe...sape tak syg mak wei...terasa mau tulis pasal mama sya lah...boleyh kan?kn?heeeee~
my magnificent super mama!! Everything is about her..i study also becoz of her, living becoz of her..luv u so much..muah..u av through tough times..doakn kebahagiaan ma selalu..eh3..ter emo pulak dah..kui3..tetibe je kan...want to know her?..lalala..tak boley..identiti dirahsiakan..mama sya ni pemalu org nye..kui2.(yolah tuh!!) ramai kawan2 yg post mother's day kat x!..ego2..hahaha..teros kol lah..."ma Epi mothers's day"..=) luv u luv luv u...!!

 Ade yg kata sy ni ank manja....who ta kisah pon..sape yg tak suka dimanjakan..betul tak..urm...ckp pasal kasih syg ni..isu yg susah nk dirungkaikan..syg,suka,cinta.bukan je ada double meaning tp maksud berganda-ganda..happens anytime,anyone and hot issuee en....ape tak nyer..skng ni suma dok bz berCHENTA sgt kn...(lilit bersarang ikan gelama,kata kt org sy pon sama...kui2) ta HIPOKRIT okayh! hehe..suma org ada hak untuk jadi diri enjoooooy..loves yourself and be gratefull.sygkn org yg syg kn kite..brusaha untuk menyayangi org laen.Bersyukur dgn rezeki kurniaan Illahi..TQ ma,TQ abh,TQ laling,TQ adik2,TQ kawan2.LURVE is in the air...woooo~

"teroskn bermonolog eyh mi" ENTAHlaa...hehe

Last but not least"Cinta untuk cita-cita kerana cinta bukan untuk ditangisi tapi dinikmati"  ♥ ♥ ♥

kErAna WaNitA iTu CanTik

moshi2..rasa mcm interesting nk share  nie.. ^.^ 
suwit n wit tinggi2..kie3
betol ke..? dari mata tuwun ke ati? ni yg cintan cintun lah kowt..ade gak yg cinta pndng pertama..ta fhm..(geleng2)Urm…lots n lots of opinion owg len boley bg..sgt subjektif..kan? tp if ati dah suka..kita terima org tu seadanya..dah2 tu mi stop monolog lg..ENTAHla..hehehe

fam n fweans..hope they accept us for who  we r,4 who i m..(^.^)

Allah berfirman;
  • Ketika aku ciptakan seorg wanita, ia diharuskan menjadi org yang istimewa. Aku jadikan bahunya cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia; namun harus cukup lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan…
  • Aku berikan kekuatan diri  untuk mampu melahirkan anak dan menerima penolakkan yang seringkali datang dari anak-anaknya..
  • Aku berikannya kekerasan untuk membuatnya tetap tegar ketika org lain menyerah, dan mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh..
  • Aku memberinya kepekaan untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan, bahkan ketika anaknya bersikap sangat menyakitkan hatinya..
  • Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk mendukung suaminya dalam kegagalannya dan melengkapi dengan tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya..
  • Aku memberinya kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui bahawa suami yang baik tidak akan menyakiti hati isterinya, namun kadangkala menguji hatinya untuk berada di sisi suaminya tanpa ragu..
  • Dan akhirnya aku berikan air mata padanya untuk dialirkan. Ini adalah khusus miliknya untuk digunakan bilapun ia diperlukan.

  • Kecantikan seorang wanita tidak terletak pada pakaian yang dipakainya..atau susuk yang ia tampilkan atau bagaimana ia menyisir rambutnya..TETAPI kecantikkan seorg wanita itu terletak pada matanya kerana di situlah pintu hatinya..tempat di mana CINTA itu ada.. t gurlzs jgn la pulak pakai serabai2...penampilan ne jaga jugak..sedap sikit mata memandang..ta salah en lau nk bergaya kalo mata je cntik..hati? huhu...n 4 boyz..jaga mata(pndgn mata)..remainder to my prince..namoo namoo..hehehe..

WE  ARE  BEAUTIFUL. Because Allah makes no mistake

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

GRo0L…when great and cool comes together…winky2…

moshi2..=) Its my first entry..T.a.r.A.a.. well, writing for fun and tetibe je rasa mau start writing blog..weird sgt kan! whateva..suka suki sy lah perspective towards anything that related to me..maybe not…but the most important thing is I’m me,myself..a simple girl,with crazy minds,unpredictable,loving..opps…love Allah,Rasullullah,myself,my family and my future hubby..toink2…physically..olwaz a chubby gurl with medium height...nggeee~

Why princess?  Becoz I’m with a prince..auch..hahaha..juz kidding..bila pikir2kan balik..urm nape mesti princess.pakai tiara?..mmg no no...ntah's juz sounds grool rite! (senyum jew)