2 budak senget(syg 2 budk nieyh) |
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words
da 3 of us | | | | | | |
Don't walk behind me;
I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.
One thing everybody in the world wants and needs is friendliness. |
jalan2 | |
lots n lots of memory of us..yg kdg2 kiter ta sedar the time dat we've spend together..do stay wit me...=) |
sekali ni je la kitowng nek bukit..hahaha..penat dah!!! |
MAkan2 =) |
qiqi lala @ qiqi kemetot..hehehe..tomeyh en..tecik je orng nyer...dier ni taf..tp ati TIUT...=)
my roomate since mula2 masuk unimap..suka mam apple sour..suka cgt dgn pooh(ntah ape yg bes tah)..dier nk mini cooper..hahaha
understands me well n know most of da thing bout me.lau mlm2 sy takot nk tito,mesti sy crik budk kecik nie..heee~ TQ qila...
Eira..pic kitowng lau ta sntch gedix2 tu mmg bukn mimi+eira lah tuh..hehehe... Bnyak sgt ragam dier..kdg2 xterlayan..soft hearted.Gaya cam yuna sket..hek2 Kitowng slalu "sharing is caring" kan kan...^__^ suka mam putu mayam,suka cheesecake n 'amat'..oppss..hehehe...my my housemate n roomate jugak..n will b my future housemate(sama ngn cik pooh). She's very caring..ngeeeee~ TQ eira.... |
kami =) |
kitorng |
kitorng lagik!!! toink3..baru perasan rupa2nya bnyak pic kitorang bertiga..hehehe..hoping to stay fren..and do remember me..huhu...MUAHXZ.. |
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