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Thursday, 10 October 2013

my girlfried - part 1

hype:) balik2 je dri lunch..bukak fb tgk2 ade 5 pictures of me added by nurul afiqah.. 
jum kte tgk ap yg dia post..

 its soo sweet..i know that every single word of it.. dia mmg maksudkn.. i know yhat she loves me, care bout me, n MISS me so much.. i mish u too :(
once..kitorng mmg very2 close..she's like my bestesttt friend kat KMku( Kolej Mara Kulim) during matriculation (the only one) sbb kitorng asik berkepit je..she's my roomate yg kurus kering..hahaha....kitorng mmg totally opposite..n mmg ske gado..huahahaha.... n yes..i love her too n i do cre for her (ak jugk la yg ne bwk p spitl dolu2) teeet!! hahaha..dia kuat sempot..makn rambutn sebiji teros OUT :P
pikachu : she LOVES bio+ chem
mimi: i HAVE them...sgt3 anti ( xshuke3)
pikachu: sgt2 kurus
mimi: i double or triple her size
n ade la mcm2 lagi..olmost 3 tahun day kami akn jmpe lagi
TQ pika for all those memories masa dulu2 tu..bnyk sgt2 yg berlaku..haha..kalau nk cerita semua mmg tak cukup!!! 
ak dan dia

eh..nape ade almari dorm pulak..hahaha..

time kat la kunun :P

 ni je gambo2 yg ade...dolu2 tade hp canggih.. ngeee~~ this entry is specially dedicated for u my dear nurul doakn awk dri jauh.. 
dulu2 kami comot..heee
now she's prettier too...


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Doaku hari ini

hype..masa time fikiran tgh buntu n asik terkenangkan dateline yg semakain hampir..huhu..susahnya nak wat simulation of strain gauges using COMSOL multiphysics..plis plis plis..anyone who knowa..tulun la sy..dah berminggu ni piki cara nk detect deformation selps submission paper pertama..
sy even dah post dekat committe members COMSOL tp no reply..sedyhnya..dua kali post..y oo y? takan tade yg tawu..
tipula kalau xSTRESS lgsung..haih

both questions are still usolve and i'm hoping for miracles to happen..
 tinggal lagi 5 hari sebelum submission..semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya..amin.. :(

International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering and Management (IPCEM 2014)

gud morning uooollll :) oklah..pepagi ni before nak mandi manda dan memecut ke Pauh Putra terchenta..ase2 nak post la sikit pasal postgraduate conference dlm masa terdekat nie..
International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering and Management (IPCEM 2014)

25th-26th January 2014, Pauh Putra Main Campus UniMAP, Perlis.

 wuwuwu..deadline dah nak dekat..but results belom ade..dup dap..
for all postgraduate students..jum2 join conference..althought this one korng maybe just boleh dpt 1mark..but still ad mark kan..kumpul markah senbyk mungkin and finish up ur researh fast :) i'm hoping that i can join this one.. jum stay up jum.. so for further inquiries, refer to the website.


The 4th INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT 2014 (IPCEM 2014) will be held at main Campus Universiti Malaysia Perlis, MALAYSIA, from 25th to 26th of January 2014. This conference, specifically focussed for postgraduate students, is jointly organized by Postgraduate Club (UniMAP) and Center for Postgraduate Studies (UniMAP).

The organizing committee are pleased to invite authors (postgraduate students) to submit full papers (6 to 10 pages) in the areas of interest that include, but are not limited to the following conference tracks:

1. Computer Science and Engineering Mathematics
2. Electric and Electronic
3. Chemical, Bioprocess and Materials
4. Mechanical, Mechatronic and Manufacturing
5. Civil and Environmental Engineering
6. Business and Management

Further information can be obtained from the IPCEM2014 website:

if anyone who wants the paper punya format..ask me :) Gud Luck!

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Research Assistant (RA)


hype :) 
tawu tak research assistant tu ape? untuk yang ingin menyambung master or phd selepas graduasi, korng mesti fikir kat mana nak dapt duit untuk smbung belajar..n mesti ramai yang konfius RA tu ap GA tu ape pulak..
ok..RA ni selalunya mesti ade kat semua universiti malaysia..if univ luar tak taw la pulak ap term diorng pakai but as an RA..keje dia ialah tolong supervisor buat research diorng n then dapt gaji..for Unimapian yg nak apply untuk RA..

elaun-elaun RA:  (10% akn ditolak untuk epfsokso)
sebelum graduate
master: RM30 sehari tak termasuk sabtu ahad
phd : RM 30 sehari sehari tak termasuk sabtu ahad
selepas graduate
master: RM50 sehari tak termasuk sabtu ahad
phd : RM 65 sehari sehari tak termasuk sabtu ahad
GA pulak Graduate assistant.Kalau apply untuk GA, kena ade offer letter from univ mengatakn bhawa korng dah diaccept sambung..and then akan ade interview.Sebagai GA, gaji akn diberikn dlm RM900 sebulan dan duit yuran pengajian akan dibayar 100% drp pihak universiti plus kena mengajar tutorial at least 6 jam seminggu..Ada jugak GA yg akan kena ikat kontrak dgn univ..dia bg elaun rm1000plus2 and bayarkn yurn pengajian..

Yuran Unimap 2013 untuk student yg amik research:
First sem
master= RM 1790

Sem seterusnya
master= RM 1540
Sem akhir
master= RM 2540
So..mana pilihan yang bijak? huhu..kalau yg amik RA shj..korng boleh apply untk Mybrain15 scholarship untuk bayarkan tuition fees di sini : 
Right now, sy tgh buat proposal untuk apply mybrain15..harap2 lah dpt...proposal pnjang pulak tu 10-15 pages..wuwuwu..format dia :

If anyone yang berminat nk lanjutkan pelajaran di unimap..bolehlah apply kat website unimap :

then ade jugak yg tnya pasal SLAB/SLAI: so far susah nk dptkn SLAB ni even kat unimap pun dah ta ada kekosongn tp bolehla cuba.. 

so GOOd LucK..anytink just ask :)


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

personality test

Look at the tree and choose the one that is immediately most appealing to you.
Don’t think about it too long, just choose, and find out
what your choice says about your personality. write down your choice in the comments
..tgk betul2..just in 5 sec, make your choice
heee~~ lpas pilih..tgk komen bawh nie..
The results!

1. You are a generous and moral (not to confuse with moralizing) person. You always work on self-improvement. You are very ambitious and have very high standards. People might think that communicating with you is difficult, but for you, it isn't easy to be who you are. You work very hard but you are not in the least selfish. You work because you want to improve the world. You have a great capacity to love people until they hurt you. But even after they do. . . you keep loving. Very few people can appreciate everything you do as well as you deserve.

2. You are a fun, honest person. You are very responsible and like taking care of others. You believe in putting in an honest day's work and accept many work-related responsibilities. You have a very good personality and people come to trust you easily. You are bright, witty and fast-thinking. You always have an interesting story to tell.

3.You are a smart and thoughtful person. You are a great thinker. Your thoughts and ideas are the most important. You like to think about your theories and views alone. You are an introvert. You get along with those who likes to think and learn. You spend a lot of time, thinking about morality. You are trying to do what is right, even if the majority of society does not agree with you.

4. You are perceptive and philosophical person. You are a unique, one soul of your kind. Next to you there's no one even slightly similar to you. You are intuitive and a bit quirky. You are often misunderstood, and it hurts you. You need personal space. Your creativity needs to be developed, it requires respect of others. You are a person who clearly sees the light and dark sides of life. You are very emotional.

5. You are self-assured and in charge. You are very independent. Your guiding principle in life is 'I'll do it my way.'. You are very self-reliant and know how to stay strong for yourself and the people you love. You know exactly what you want and are not afraid of pursuing your dreams. The only thing you demand from people is honesty. You are strong enough to accept the truth.

6. You are kind and sensitive. People relate to you very well. You have many friends and you love helping them. You have this warm and bright aura that makes people feel good when they are around you. Every day, you think about what you can do to improve yourself. You want to be interesting, insightful and unique. More than anybody else in the world, you need to love. You are even ready to love those who don't love you back.

7. You are happy and unflappable. You are a very sensitive and understanding person. You are a great listener who know how to be non-judgmental. You believe that everybody has their own journey in life. You are open to new people and events. You are highly resistant to stress and rarely worry. Normally, you are very relaxed. You always manage to have a good time and never lose your way.

8. You are charming and energetic. You are a fun person who knows hot to make people laugh. You live in a state of harmony with the universe. You are spontaneous and enthusiastic. You never say no to an adventure. Often, you end up surprising and even shocking people. But that's just how you are. . . You always remain true to yourself. You have many interests and if something proves of interest to you, you will not rest until you acquire a profound knowledge of this area.

9. You are optimistic and lucky. You believe that life is a gift and you try to achieve as much as possible and put this gift to the best use possible. You are very proud of your achievements. You are ready to stick by the people you care about through thick and thin. You have a very healthy approach to life. The glass is (at least) half full for you. You use any opportunity to forgive, learn, and grow because you believe that life is too short to do otherwise.
y num 6 tu di pinkkan..bcoz..that's my tree..hahaha.. this statement 
"You are even ready to love those who don't love you back"
soo not true..i'll never eva love person who does not love me back..euuww..buang mase je.. :p  so love me..and i'll love u..peaceee :)
so ape pokok awk? 
p/s: pilihan pokok pon boleh jd test..mcm2..untuk suke2 ajew taw..

hype :) mlm ni tade entry..sbb bz mekap blog..huahaha..i'm approaching 24 n yet blogging in a new thing!!!! wah ase mcm kuno jew :P
24 tahun yer..bukan 24 hari..24 minit or 24 jam.or blog 24 penceritaan masa kini tu.
huk3..tuanya rasew..apepon..i'm wondering if tis year i'll get a cake olso from him..hee~~ 
apepun..i noe he'll be very bz..gud luck with your new work..and again CONGRATULATIONS..kini sudah bergelar JURUTERA...Alhamdullillah...proud of u..

nnti jgn lupa apply for BEM.catch your dreams and i'll be your backbone :) i'll always be here waiting for u..keje elok2..tamaw menggatai noe..(amaran keras)
peace yo..
betoi ke? ramai je engineer yg tak3.. mintak jauh2 (^__^) hoho
 slmat mlm semua..sweet dreams..
"any inquiaries plis do not hesitate to comment ^_^"