hype:) balik2 je dri lunch..bukak fb tgk2 ade 5 pictures of me added by nurul afiqah..
jum kte tgk ap yg dia post..
its soo sweet..i know that every single word of it.. dia mmg maksudkn.. i know yhat she loves me, care bout me, n MISS me so much.. i mish u too :(
once..kitorng mmg very2 close..she's like my bestesttt friend kat KMku( Kolej Mara Kulim) during matriculation (the only one) sbb kitorng asik berkepit je..she's my roomate yg kurus kering..hahaha....kitorng mmg totally opposite..n mmg ske gado..huahahaha.... n yes..i love her too n i do cre for her (ak jugk la yg ne bwk p spitl dolu2) teeet!! hahaha..dia kuat sempot..makn rambutn sebiji teros OUT :P
pikachu : she LOVES bio+ chem
mimi: i HAVE them...sgt3 anti ( xshuke3)
pikachu: sgt2 kurus
mimi: i double or triple her size
n ade la mcm2 lagi..olmost 3 tahun xjmpe..insyaAllah..one day kami akn jmpe lagi
TQ pika for all those memories masa dulu2 tu..bnyk sgt2 yg berlaku..haha..kalau nk cerita semua mmg tak cukup!!!
ak dan dia |
eh..nape ade almari dorm pulak..hahaha.. |
time kat library..study la kunun :P |
ni je gambo2 yg ade...dolu2 tade hp canggih.. ngeee~~ this entry is specially dedicated for u my dear nurul afiqah..sy doakn awk dri jauh..
dulu2 kami comot..heee
now she's prettier too...
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