hi uollllsss...gooood morning...mangkit oi..haha
dua tiga hari ini..pikiran aku melayang2 dek kerana persoaln kawn baik..melaui sms..haha..
pewit :p |
ANSYS Multiphysics versus COMSOL Multiphysics? urmmmm..
she asked me..which software is preferred untuk simulations dia la of course..so aku pon bg lah jawpn setkt mampu..but at the same time..ak ad jugk bertnya pada pak cik GOOGLE.. and ini antra yang ak boleh conclude..and this might be useful untuk yg nk buat simulations lps nie..
1.Which fea software is good for fea analysis?
Firstly, identify which type of physics yang uoolls nak model.. as for my friend..she wants to model sumtin to do with thermal expansion and stress analysis..,Next, identify sama ada material to linear ataupun non linear... n tgk school ad software ape..(yg original).. sbb nnti nk viva..panels akan pertikai kalao pakai crack version software.. if software tu tade..pandai2 la cri fund mintak sv beli..hahahahhaa...
yeap..lg complex model..lagi sush nk blaja..huk3.. (COMSOL user friendly tp big memori) |
xpernah dgr..next! |
(COMSOL user friendly.memori besar) |
mana2 software pon susah ma.. dush! (sila beli pc yg lain..haha) |
COMSOL memori besar,consume masa yang pnjng (ak pernah run model sehari semalm..pastu tetibe simulation fail..mmg ase mcm what the fishhhhhh...) |
ni mesti COMSOL hater..ceis.. COMSOL pon boleh link multiple physics hokayh.. |
ansys... |
abaqus..better jgn guna..hahaha...sbb xfames..nnti nk cri rujukn..gelabah xjmpe.. (if mahal xde maslah..duit school bayr :p) |
another COMSOL hater |
wah..suma peminat Ansys |
ansys dan peminatnya lagi.. |
COMSOL user friendly.. |
in conclusion dari petikan di atas,
ansys ------> less complex, can link interface, shorter simulation time
comsol----> user friendly, complex, big memori, can include mathematical fomulation
p/s: apesal ramai comsol haters nieyh? haha
or.. rujuk di web2 tertera ye :
based on mr GOOGLE, most researchers they prefer ansys..then ak dig lagi..y ansyss saja? nape x cik sol? ha.. most ckp comsol ni memori dia bnyk.( ok yg ni ak stuju).. yes memory bnyk but this limitations can be overcome.. tada masalh! comsol pon boleh link multiple multiphysics. and mmg ak rasala..comsol user friendly.. so overal..both nmpk mcm lebih kurng sama..
as for my personal opinion( sbb aku user comsol multiphysics),i think both software are equally good, both are famous software and their versions mmg update dgn cpt.. tp since i av never used ansys software jd ak tak boleh nk bg exact ans or nk compare between those two..
but..for u my dear laling....
if nk model structural mechanic pastu ad thermal.. if nk guna COMSOL...mmg boleh..n advntge dia..u at least can ask me...n ill help u setakat yg mampu..huhu.. still consider myself as intermediate comsol user.. belum pro.. :p
tips: kalo betul2 nk pilih..try to model one simple model.. 2D or 3D.. then try run..for both software..tgk lah mana yg seng nk guna..
.jpg) |
ansys work space |
comsol work space |
p/s: at first..nk bljar guna COMSOL ni mmg susah..tp u will get used to it..
p/s: ak pernah amik masa sebulan untuk study material deformation shj..haha..untuk kira elongation SHJ.. so untuk complex model..dgn zero knowledge.paham2 lah yer.. :p
gmbr kontobesi..woha! |
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