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Friday, 23 March 2012

some science info

science info on menstrual

Period pain is caused by contractions in the uterus. The blood vessels in the muscle wall are compressed by the contractions, which cut off blood supply to the womb, starving it of oxygen and adding to the discomfort.
 We were told to expect "some discomfort", but given no hint that for some this pain would go beyond mild and descend into pretty damn awful.

Signs and Symptoms:

Symptoms and degree of pain vary, but they may include the following:
  • Abdominal cramping or dull ache that moves to lower back and legs
  • Heavy menstrual flow
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Frequent urination
  • Vomiting (not common)
to gurlss..mesti korng penah rasa somtimes akn kena n how it iz bila sakit bulanan..huahaha..paham2 la mesti ad yg muntah2,taleyh nk bjln la...ade kes teruk smpai pengsan..ade yg tak teruk..n ade jugak yg tak rasa as for me..tiap kali nk cukup 30 hari ++..bila tanda skit pinggang dtg..lm kpla dh mula fiki..dis month kalo skit cm haritu nk buat ape eyh..usually i mmg tak ley g kels n taleyh mkn smpai skit untung la..coz skit tu wat kita lg dekat dgn Allah.. =) 

 so..remainder to myself..sabo je la..uwaaa...wlopun lam ati tu asa cm nk teln sepapan panadol..!!!
pil merh jmbueee
   (n of kos..kita pling nk org yg tersyng ad ngn kita..)

( terbaca nie kat fb..ade sorng rakan ni share kat wall..)Apabila seorang hamba ALLAH jatuh sakit, ALLAH akan utuskan 4 orang maLaikat :

✦ MaLaikat pertama akan mengambiL seLera makanan.
✦ MaLaikat kedua akan mengambiL rezeki.
✦ MaLaikat ketiga akan mengambiL
kecantikan wajah (muka pucat).
✦ MaLaikat ke-empat akan mengambiL

ApabiLa sampai waktu yang ALLAH tetapkan untuk hamba-Nya supaya kembali sihat, ALLAH akan menyuruh maLaikat pertama, kedua dan ketiga supaya memberi baLik apa yang diambiL oLeh mereka.. Tetapi ALLAH tidak menyuruh maLaikat keempat supaya memberi baLik dosa hamba-Nya tersebut. .

* Allah knows me better, loves me more..maybe sbb tu diberikn rasa skit tu..wallahuallm.. 
* i'm proud to be born as muslim..i'm proud to b born as a gurl...