Korang tawu quartery kewboard tu ape? hahaha..surprisingly..i only noe this today..hahaha..bru nak tulis2 conteng2..sblom ni kat unimap kununnyerlah bz sgt,study sgy,
Lpas i goggle2..QWERTY tu means the most common modern-day keyboard layout.oh! i c..keyboard biase lettew..ha..now ce tgk kat keyboar lappy.. kat ctu baca dri atas.. ad huruf Q-W-E-R-T-Y..hee..from left to right.. usually application ni ade kat bb,sony erricson, nokia..hahaha..ceq baru taw nih..maens my daling ske QWERTY type keyboard lah nie..disebabbkan terpengaruh ngn dier tu..i pun skng ni jdik mint application qwerty ni kat phone..hoho..
Tp DiLeMaNyeR skng nie..urmm...rasa mcm nak tuka fon..actually fon tu biase2 aje..but bcoz of its pink colour..i suke..fon kaler ijau susa nak jumpe..n n n.. my daling = future husband kata nk belikan fon tu kat ite..heee...suke3.. tp syg je asa nk tuka coz my current phone i bought it by my own money..duet gajiii..so..sentimentel value ikit..cane eyh cane eyh...
haaaaa...this is the one yg i asa mcm minat kng nie..harga dier..a lot more cheaper dri my text pro phone..n dis iz the one yg daling nk tulun topup2 belikan..huuhu..tp i ta sampai ati..dier tu kan nk kena simpan duet..dier tu bnyk planning..toink3..dis iz sony ericsson txt..its actually lebih kutrng dgn txt pro but it is not touchscreen..so..mmg my type.. qwerty + non touch screen + mura = mimi.. Tulah..dulu masa beli fon ta reti2 nk godek2 tenet..survey dulu..maen beli jew..mhl lak tu..my fren lgi mhal 5 hundred lebih..kena tipu la tu..huhu
yg ni?
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yg ni eyh..iJau..my colour tp kaler ijau dier kusam sikit..berkilat..hahahaha..pink jugak meng..GO GO PINK... :p |
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Nokia C3..design yg kuar bfore sony txt..suke sbb pink.tp urm..this one quite mhal n design sony lagi tiut rsanya..hee | . |
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