nk g kl..ke tanak? ala..nk pegi tp date untuk midterm xm dah dkat..plus thesis belum siap lagi..ayooo... 3in1 nieyh...
ade ape kat kl? ok la..job street open job fair kat Mid Valley centre..mmg nk pegi sesangat n temnkn my friends n daling cri work opportunities..mostly big companies centered kat kl.. n we all seriously need experience for this job searching..uhuk3..almaklumlah.. jun 2013 nk grad dah..
for more info search here : http://www.jobstreet.com.my/event/MCTF2013/jobseeker/march/home.htm
i think..xrugi pun pergi sana..drop some resumes..walk into interview..grab the experience..dpt or xdpt..lain cerita..kan? but then sadly.. for biomedical field ade 4 companies only among 150 companies that take part.. urm..anyway..this iz only for sharing..
gud luck peeps...
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