love iz..urm..love cant be described coz each definition of it very subjectif..today's post on more or less on love to our spouse.. hee... ade la kaitan serba sedikit dgn experience diri..tersenyum sndiri.. :P but i bukn jiwng eyh..
This picture is actually very sweet..Found it masa mmg tgh tyme gadoh..xckp,xsms..post dis to his fb.. mlm tu truce..ngeh3..coz its true.. <3 <3 <3 |
SELF EXPLANATORY... rite? Kishnya..although i'm super duper angry..i bought him 2 nc lemak..marah tp syg..huhu..t kuwus i yg susah..ceit.. (maybe the i'm the one yg pgg payung kot..hehe) |
LOVE is "ego" n "stubborn" |
Next, ape gunanya cinta kalau xberkahwin kan.. :) doakn jodoh dan rezki kami (but definitely wont be wearing pink!! urgh..jambu untuk c dia..) |
urm..cincin ni kah? wait n c.. |
YUP!! it iz the greatest give..ALLAH given us Love since in our mother's womb :) |
*Doakan yg terbaik setiap hari..semoga kehidupn ini dirahmati, diredhai dan dilimpahi segala kebahagian dunia demi mengejar kebahagiann akhirat.... amin..
* Semoga Ibu dan Ayah sy..serta keluarga ,diri ini dan bakal imamku dilimpahi cinta agung dri Allah setiap masa..
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